Batakan:Location map Alberta municipal districts

Dokumentasyon han batakan
Location map Alberta municipal districts is located in Alberta
Test of pins in the corners and corner of Wood Buffalo National Park
Location map of Alberta
name Alberta
x (47.8062 + 6.31607*({{{3}}}+115) + 0.033133*({{{2}}}-55) -0.163349*({{{2}}}-55)*({{{3}}}+115) + 0.0101163*({{{3}}}+115)*({{{3}}}+115) -0.00888419*({{{2}}}-55)*({{{2}}}-55))
y (45.9081 -0.0512779*({{{3}}}+115) -8.84793*({{{2}}}-55) + 0.0102564*({{{2}}}-55)*({{{3}}}+115) -0.0167721*({{{3}}}+115)*({{{3}}}+115) + 0.0226062*({{{2}}}-55)*({{{2}}}-55))
image Alberta municipal districts.png
Location map Alberta municipal districts